New Website Workflow

What to expect when Starting a Website Project

Welcome and Orientation

This phase of the project is where we’ll explain how we work together and the systems we’ll use to collaborate.

Phase 1

The Essentials

We’ll gather any logins needed to create your new website, links to your social media accounts and any brand assets such as your logo and style guide.

Phase 2

Content Gathering

We’ll send you blank Microsoft Word documents (we can also use Google Docs if you prefer) along with our handy “Writing Well” guide if you’re writing your own text. Or we’ll work with a copywriter to get the text written if you’ve decided to get help. We’ll ask for any images you want to use on your website.

Phase 3

Web Server Setup

This is where we’ll setup your staging server, plan your SEO structure and install our custom WordPress package. A staging server is a temporary URL where you can view the website before it is published.

Phase 4

Front End Development

Based on our discussions to date we are in a position to present a draft home page and 1 draft sub-page. We’ll seek your feedback and make any revisions as per our agreement. Design sign-off is sought before continuing. Depending on the type of site there maybe other draft layouts, like a product layout for instance.

Phase 5

Website Population

This is where we start really start seeing your new website come to life as we add your content. This is also where we’ll configure any special functionality.

Phase 6

Revisions & Launch

Following 2 rounds of feedback, we’ll make revisions and your site is ready. Client sign-off required. Once the final payment clears we’ll launch your website to the public. We’ve never launched a website without the client being happy with what they see.

Phase 7

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