Websites & SEO FAQs


Can I update the website myself?

We provide admin login details to your website so you can make changes to the site. We do recommend using your integrated blog as that is by far the easiest way for you to add new content. Including a blog/news page with your website, and publishing new articles to the blog routinely, will greatly improve the reach of the site.

Can you look after my website when it's finished?

Of course we can. We do this for many clients as they find it is one less thing for them to worry about. Have a look at our current website support packages.

What's the price of a website?

Our website packages range from £1500 - £5000. Prices are fixed. You can have a look at some website prices and then book a time to talk through your options.

What will you need from me?

Before we start a new website we provide a list of what we will need. These lists are always different for each project but they usually cover some or all of the following: photos of you and your team, photos of your workplace, text for each page (this can be written up from bullet points for you for an additional fee), login details for your domain name if you have already purchased it, contact details including links to any existing social media accounts, links to any video you would like to use.

How many pages do I get with my website?

Our entry level package comes with 5 pages. We can build you as many extra pages as you want for an additional fee.  You can add these extra pages before we start making your website. Or if you prefer we can add extra pages later on.

Why are you so expensive?

Unlike many other web design companies we do not use pre-built templates and we do implement manual on-site SEO techniques.  All of this of course takes additional time. We have found that our clients feel that the investment is well worth making when they get orders from the website.

Why are you so cheap?

We have invested time in developing  systems to make the experience of getting a new website as stress-free as possible for our clients. These systems save us all time. We also work remotely so our clients do not have to cover the associated overheads that come with buying or renting external office buildings. We meet clients online via platforms like Zoom, Teams and Skype.

Will you write the text for me?

Yes, we can write the text for you for an additional fee. We will still need information from you of course to write unique content.

Will you fix any mistakes in the text I supply?

If you give us the text to use on your website we use it as supplied. We can provide a proofreading service if needed for an additional fee.

I've got a website already - it just needs a refresh. Can you do that?

In theory, yes we can refresh existing websites. However, in practice, we don't do this as we have found that it costs more to correct issues in sites we haven't made than it does to start afresh.

Will you have a quick look at my website and let me know how to improve it?

Yes, we can do this for you. You can book a website audit for £100 to see how it is performing or for more strategic in-depth advice please ask us about our consultancy services.

Will you provide the images for my website?

Yes, we can provide images for you from stock libraries. However, clients have found that their websites are better received if we use their own, good quality, professional photos. We can recommend photographers so please ask.

How do we communicate throughout the website build?

There are so many communication options available to use aren't they? We use the channels are clients prefer. However, we have found time and time again, that the telephone and emails are by far the easiest to keep track of. We certainly use emails or a project management tool to record important decisions.

Domains & Hosting

How much does a domain name cost?

We include the cost of registering a new, standard .com or domain name in all our new websites. If you want to buy additional, standard domains they usually cost up to £20. A domain name needs renewing each year.

Do I need web hosting?

Yes, you do. Hosting is like renting space on the internet so that people can see your website. We include the fee for hosting in the price for a new website for the first year.

How much is web hosting?

Web hosting is £150 per year for standard sites. We pay the hosting fee for the first year for each new site we build.

Who owns the domain name?

Our clients always own their domain name.

Who hosts the website?

We always host the website so that we have complete control to configure the servers according to our high standards. We pay the fee for hosting for the first year so you won't need to worry about that. Please ask us if you would like the login details to your hosting package.

Who owns the website?

Clients own the website once all payments have cleared.

I've already got a domain name, can you use that?

Yes, we can use a domain name that you have already registered.

I've already got some web hosting, can you use that?

No. We only use our own web hosts so that we can configure them precisely for your site. However, we pay the fee for the first year so you won't need to worry about that.


Do you do the SEO?

Yes, when we build a new website we manually perform the keyword research and enter the terms in the SEO tags - much more than just installing an SEO plugin.

How much does SEO cost?

On-site SEO is included in the fee for a new website build. For our monthly SEO campaigns the fee starts at £1500 pcm.

Can you get me to number 1 on Google?

Yes, if we target the most appropriate keyword phrases and then build and execute a sustained monthly SEO campaign.

How long will it take to get to the first page of Google?

This is nigh on impossible to respond with 100% certainty. We recommend at least a 6 month SEO campaign; it also depends on what type of marketing your competitors are engaging in and of course there are the search engine algorithms to consider. Keyword selection is key as is content marketing in our opinion.

How will I know if the website is doing any good?

You will hopefully be getting more enquiries via the website, through telephone calls, messages from your Google Profile and other social media accounts. On one of our monthly SEO campaigns we issue a report each month with all of the important metrics.