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Tosca’s Wicked Words – 29/05/2020

It’s been a successful day here. I’ve got the car started (with a little bit of help) after 11 weeks on the drive and I’ve published another blog post this morning – more on that in a moment. I hope you’ve had a better day too.

Quick news from my world to yours to help with your website marketing:


From next year Google are going to consider what they call “page experience”. Yes, that is a subjective phrase I know but it seems to consider things like how long the web page takes to load, whether the content is visually stable, delays in content appearing on the screen and other features that are just plain annoying to the viewer. For now, be aware of how you use popups, how fast your website loads and how long it takes to respond when someone clicks on a link.


A bit of almost trivial news – WordPress turned 17 this week. One of the inventors, Matt Mullenweg says:

“If you’d like to celebrate with me, put on some jazz, eat some BBQ, light a candle for the contributors who have passed on, help a friend or stranger less technical than you build a home online, and remember that technology is at its best when it brings people together.”

Top App/Plugin

WordPress is a secure platform but there are more that you can do to lock down your sites further. I use WP All in One Security to help with this. I’ll tell you why next week in my blog “Seven Simple Steps to Lockdown your Site”.

WordPress Cookie Plugin

I said last week that I would let you know more about my favourite WordPress Cookie plugin and why I would recommend swapping over to it. Click the link to read “The Tastiest WordPress Cookie Plugin

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

All the best, Tosca

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